host murder mystery party: check

Hosted alongside my fave, HRH Kyle, a murder mystery for a group of our friends last night. It was so much fun! We purchased a kit online and honestly for how busy we both are and how little time we could put to planning it, it was a blast! Everyone got pretty into character and the ending was a surprise even to me — haha ! If you’re thinking about hosting one, do it.

TwichCon 2018.

Headed off to California to my third annual TwitchCon! It was a great trip.

Brent made sure I didn’t miss him or Molly too much!

Love this amazing team (and hibachi!)

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth!Couldn’t wait to get home to this gremlin And my lubbinsTw


See what I did there? For this book club, we brought our loves, in costume, and celebrated Halloween together with games, snackies and laughs. Sure love this group of women (and their men!) Don’t ask what Brent and I dressed up as. I couldn’t tell you!