Happy Shmolidays Everybody!

Soo since October–I finished my first semester of college…with a 2.0 average. WHATEVER. I became a CNA, and have since then signed up for pre-req nursing classes for the Spring semster. I welcomed my little nephew Smelliot into the family on Nov. 25, and have spent most of December hanging out with my family && friends. My mom came into town to see her new little grandbaby and I followed her back home. So here I am sitting in my parents Guatemalan apartment 12 stories above ground, listening to Coldplay. It’s beautiful here. Even though fights often arise because my Dad forgets I don’t understand ANY Spanish, I have really enjoyed my days in this foreign country so far.

Today I went up to this little town that has too many syllables to count with my parents and a few other Senior Missionary couples. We delivered hand-made blankets, passed out candy, had pinatas, played games, and left stockings filled with Christmas goodies. The kids that recieved these gifts are children who are sent to live in this short-term housing unit..the kids are brought back to health while the parents go to parenting classes. Most of the parents have little money and can barely keep themselves healthy let alone the kids they have–so this place helps those kids out.

I’ve witnessed many good acts of service provided for people of lesser fortune on TV(Oprah’s my hero, BFD). Butttt I must admit that I haven’t ever done any true service for another person. So that’s why it was really rewarding to see smiling faces on these kids that have a hard life but take every moment with gratitude. To see them when they recieved their little pink or blue blanket was a cool thing to witness forsure.

In light of the Christmas spirit it’s hard to see this side of the world, that holds so many struggling people. It was nice to help these kids out! They were so cute, even when they made WTF faces when i’d speak to them in English, HA. I am excited to see what other adventures I will go on while I am here. Guess i’ll just have to let you know…

Till then (unless I get straight up shot from some drug lord)


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