Halloween ’13

Okay, so Halloween is coming up and you better believe that I am brainstorming different costume ideas.

Option 1
Joan Cusack from Sixteen Candles:

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Option 2
Winona Ryder from Heathers (either burned or with a monocle):

heathers winone-ryder-heathers-monocle

Option 3
Since I won’t be able to go as a duo with J this year (like last year, and the year before that, and even the year before that), I might have to dress up as Hall AND Oates:


Or if I don’t want to dress up, I can always just go as Lydia from Beetlejuice (pretty sure I wear this exact same outfit to work at least once a week):

Decisions, decisions.



One thought on “Halloween ’13

  1. Pingback: Happy Halloween | iambrooke

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