Sunday din.

I love Sundays at my sissy’s house. It’s my favorite day of the week! Tonight we had pot roast dinner & then watched The Golden Globes (and by we, I mean myself). Here are my favorite dresses: jennifer-lawrence-golden-globes-2013 emily-blunt-golden-globes-20132 michelle-dockery-golden-globes-2013 jessica-alba-golden-globes-2013I only cried during Anne Hathaway’s acceptance speech and when Lena Dunham + GIRLS won. WOOHOO! After(a)wards (see what I did there?), I took part in some serious niece-loving/beating-up:

Sunday din! January 13, 201357 Sunday din! January 13, 201358

Then I drove home and my car almost, ALMOST turned into a huge ice cube:

Sunday din! January 13, 201361I LOVE THESE DAYS,