Day 3 of snow covered golf:
I know what you’re thinking, “WASH YOUR DAMN CAR ALREADY!”
Today was a good day! I woke up to the sound of snowblowers outside my apt. I of course imaged them instead as lawnmowers and dreamed of green trees and sunburns. And guess what, it worked! Well, until I walked outside to meet J for lunch and stepped in a huge snowslushie that is my apartment building grounds. This snow is amazing! I don’t remember a winter like this all of my life.
Tonight on campus, I brought a bag full of Trader Joe’s treats with me (looked like I had brought a naughty beverage) so I wouldn’t starve to death. Class was so good tonight! I love my Persuasion and Politics class. My teacher uses new media tools and I LOVE IT. Like, he is one Google+-Hangout-guest-speaker away from getting a handwritten Thank You card. Tonight we heard from Rob Saliterman. He works for Google and manages the sales and outreach for Republican campaigns. He joined us via Google hangout all the way from D.C.
After class, I made J stop and take a picture of me and the huge sparkly pile of snow on the trek from LNCO to my car: