True Blood

Uhm, can I just say FINALLY Eric and Sookie are getting it on. IRL. (well, I mean, it’s still a TV show and I guess technically it’s not REAL life…)


This season has been a good one, even though the creepy witch (Aunt Petunia) kinda bugs…I’m getting more and more anxious to see where it goes.
What do you guys think? Are you drooling over Erica and Sookie? DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE ALCIDE.

That damn hot piece of man.




My life is a parody of a tragedy

I recently 30 minutes ago got invited to google+. I haven’t been reading too much buzz about it until today — but after viewing some tweets-‘n-status update about how EFFIN AWESOME it is..I copped out and whined for an invite via Facebook. (hahaha). Once I got in I was surprised to see that I already had 5 photo albums in my profile —  albums containing lots of my old pictures, mostly from when I was a super photography nerd in high school.

Trip down memory lane with me: