2015 in review.

I kicked off 2015 laughing my ass off with Andrea and Jackie at Kyle’s New Year’s party:January 2015 In Review. 1342Then I settled on my theme for the year: With Intention. Meaning, however I feel like I want to define it at any given time, do things WITH intention.With Intention


I spent a lot of time with my family, especially my dad. My grandpa passed away in December of 2014 and so my mother basically moved to Arizona for a few months (was it that long, really?). Dad and I ate dinner together, watched movies, put together puzzles. I absolutely LOVED the time I got to spend with him, among others, obvs. #missedmymomtootho. January also marked the 1 year anniversary of my brother Markie passing away. Time really does just keep going on. It was a hard year without him – but thanks to the endless amount of love from those around me (seriously J, I still cry when I think about coming downstairs to an orchid and note from you), I made it out okay.

January 2015 In Review. 1398 January 2015 In Review. 1481 January 2015 In Review. 1574_2 January 2015 In Review. 1772 January 2015 In Review. 1777 January 2015 In Review. 1985 January 2015 In Review. 2086


This was turning point month for me. Was still soaking in the fact that my parents had moved back to the US, was going to Xtend Barre classes on the regular, swimming, eating healthier (I mean, I gave up SUGAR or lent!), and was just generally in love with myself. It was also really warm outside and the haze wasn’t all that bad.

February 2015 In Review. 2302 February 2015 In Review. 2134 February 2015 In Review. 2151 February 2015 In Review. 2171 February 2015 In Review. 2315 February 2015 In Review. 2368 February 2015 In Review. 2424 February 2015 In Review. 2230 February 2015 In Review. 2613


Birthday month! My obsession with Xtend Barre only increased. Felt really good and alive. Went on two amazing work trips – one to the east coast, one to the west.March 2015 In Review. 2686 March 2015 In Review. 2657 March 2015 In Review. 2714 March 2015 In Review. 2811 March 2015 In Review. 2876 March 2015 In Review. 2900_2 It's My 25th Birthday! March 15, 2015 March 2015 In Review. 2972 March 2015 In Review. 2992 March 2015 In Review. 3014 March 2015 In Review. 3220 March 2015 In Review. 3249 March 2015 In Review. 3470 March 2015 In Review. 5381 March 2015 In Review. 5423


The spring was so nice this year. I got to go on lots of walks with dad. I also went on a fun road trip with J and S to see Fleetwood Mac in Las Vegas. We listened to Serial, caught up with each other and enjoyed each other’s spray tans.April 2015 In Review. 3752 April 2015 In Review. 3754 April 2015 In Review. 3765 April 2015 In Review. 3849 April 2015 In Review. 3891 April 2015 In Review. 4083 April 2015 In Review. 3964 April 2015 In Review. 3976 April 2015 In Review. 4013 April 2015 In Review. 4103 April 2015 In Review. 4114 April 2015 In Review. 4206 April 2015 In Review. 4227 April 2015 In Review. 4270 April 2015 In Review. 4125 April 2015 In Review. 4326


Big campaign launched at work, this month was the calm before the summer storm of absolute CRAZINESS. Friends from NY came to visit me! I’ve never had out of state visitors come before – it was fun to tour my town with them.
May 2015 In Review. 4478 May 2015 In Review. 4429 May 2015 In Review. 4572 May 2015 In Review. 4577 May 2015 In Review. 4601 May 2015 In Review. 4709 May 2015 In Review. 4774

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

May 2015 In Review. 4851 May 2015 In Review. 4879 May 2015 In Review. 4956 May 2015 In Review. 5115 May 2015 In Review. 5007 May 2015 In Review. 5197 May 2015 In Review. 4996 May 2015 In Review. 5087


Three big trips in a row: SLC>ATL>DCA>JFK>SLC then the next day SLC>LAX>SLC.June 2015 In Review. 5974 June 2015 In Review. 5677 June 2015 In Review. 5736 June 2015 In Review. 5838 June 2015 In Review. 5865 June 2015 In Review. 5880 June 2015 In Review. 5240 June 2015 In Review. 5425 June 2015 In Review. 5455 June 2015 In Review. 5711 June 2015 In Review. 5828 June 2015 In Review. 5903 June 2015 In Review. 5599


HIGHLIGHTS: my parent’s pool, NYC for the Pixels movie premiere, tramp sleepover in 8K degree weather (kelvin) and (saving the best for last) ARUBA with J.
July 2015 In Review. 6500 July 2015 In Review. 6353
July 2015 In Review. 6508 July 2015 In Review. 6569 July 2015 In Review. 6697 July 2015 In Review. 6734 July 2015 In Review. 7019 July 2015 In Review. 6939 July 2015 In Review. 7070July 2015 In Review. 7072

July 2015 In Review. 6104


Birthday month for my fave, big month of planning at work, enjoying the summer and times with friends + fam. Not to mention GORGEOUS family photos from Kirstin Roper.August 2015 In Review. 7264 August 2015 In Review. 7163 August 2015 In Review. 7404 August 2015 In Review. 7601 August 2015 In Review. 7354 August 2015 In Review. 7604 August 2015 In Review. 7609 August 2015 In Review. 7606 August 2015 In Review. 7607 August 2015 In Review. 7496

August 2015 In Review. 7177September:

The month where things were good and got REAL. Including an amazing trip with coworkers to Universal Orlando and the purchase of my first HOME. PUKING. Also, happy one year workiversary to me and the best job in the world, FTK!

September 2015 In Review. 7616 September 2015 In Review. 7637 September 2015 In Review. 7699 September 2015 In Review. 7752 September 2015 In Review. 7906 September 2015 In Review. 7912 September 2015 In Review. 8124 September 2015 In Review. 7940 September 2015 In Review. 7964 September 2015 In Review. 8139 September 2015 In Review. 8180October:

What a beautiful month! It’s always a favorite of mine every year. This October I moved into my condo, went on an amazing trip to Boston (hello Hocus Pocus tour!!) and NYC with my mom (holy LEAVES), celebrated Halloween and took up a new hobby: embroidery!October 2015 In Review. 8207 October 2015 In Review. 8377 October 2015 In Review. 8450 October 2015 In Review. 8406 October 2015 In Review. 8619 October 2015 In Review. 8285 October 2015 In Review. 8246 October 2015 In Review. 8265 October 2015 In Review. 8713 October 2015 In Review. 8761 October 2015 In Review. 8872 October 2015 In Review. 9054 October 2015 In Review. 8884 October 2015 In Review. 9108 October 2015 In Review. 9123 October 2015 In Review. 9117 October 2015 In Review. 9191 October 2015 In Review. 9293 October 2015 In Review. 9315


Low key month – spent loads of time with my fam and getting all comfy in my house. Kicked off a few weeks of travel with a trip to the Smoky Mountains in TN for work – so. much. fun.

November 2015 In Review. 9690 November 2015 In Review. 9691 November 2015 In Review. 9380 November 2015 In Review. 9701 November 2015 In Review. 9720 November 2015 In Review. 9724 November 2015 In Review. 9473 November 2015 In Review. 9529 November 2015 In Review. 9574 November 2015 In Review. 9684 November 2015 In Review. 9366


Visited TN, Los Angeles and Vegas! Traveled every week of December – UGH! Watched Christmas Vacation on every flight and got silver status on Delta! Wahoo! I ended the year hanging with every member of my family, babysitting puppy, scraping snow and ice off my car, seeing The Nutcracker three times and celebrating the Christmas holiday. It was a good month.

December 2015 In Review. 9773 December 2015 In Review. 9776 December 2015 In Review. 9818 December 2015 In Review. 9825 December 2015 In Review. 9858 December 2015 In Review. 9910 December 2015 In Review. 9932 December 2015 In Review. 9976 December 2015 In Review. 9959 December 2015 In Review. 9847 December 2015 In Review. 9988 December 2015 In Review. 9834 December 2015 In Review. 0140 December 2015 In Review. 0102 December 2015 In Review. 0114 December 2015 In Review. 0206 December 2015 In Review. 0236 December 2015 In Review. 0270 2015 was good to me. Looking forward to 2016 – theme post coming soon!December 2015 In Review. 0429