January Cinema+Books

Since I am a fanatic list maker, I decided that each month of this year I am going to read 1 book from my list of “have not read yet”, and watch a list of themed movies.

The cinema theme for January is: MY FAVORITE COMEDY MOVIES OF ALL TIME (that I currently own on dvd).

The list is as follows:

Bridesmaids, GIRLS Season 1 (not a movie, but definitely a favorite), Hamlet 2, Wet Hot American Summer, Pulp Fiction, Superbad, Detroit Rock City, and Superstar. Movies that are not listed include: Wayne’s World, Tommy Boy, and Dumb and Dumber. (because I don’t own them on DVD…yet).

January Cinema+Books 1:15:13 30 January Cinema+Books 1:15:13 33Also, since a reorganization happened a few weeks ago, I have dedicated a shelf to those poor books that I have yet to crack open. I magically ended up placing 12 books in that shelf and decided that I would read one of them a month. I go through reading spouts, the last big one was last December (tooooo long ago) when I read the whole Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series in one week.

January Cinema+Books 1:15:13 10

This month I am going to read On the Road from Jack Kerouac.

What books are YOU reading this year?


Bonjour, je veux mon livre.

Reading List (in no particular order and for no particular time frame):
1. Rebecca from Daphne Du Maurier
2. Cold Sassy Tree from Olive Ann Burns
3. Tinker Tailor Soilder Stye Spy from John Le Carré
4. This Book Will Change Your Life from Benrik
5. East of Eden from John Steinbeck

What’s your favorite book? What are the next few books you want to read?