this weekend.


The Utes won:
go-utes-sept-10-201644 I had a delish, and admittedly over-the-top, “brunch” of two eggs with green onions cooked in ghee topped with guac from page 308 of The Whole30 with a sausage patty from page 162, brussels sprouts with salt + ghee and a tomato — I was hungry after barre, MMK?):img_5460

I completely nailed my Miss America viewing party outfit (thanks for the sneaky pics AND video (not included), Noelle):

Spotify radio, for the random win:

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

day three.

Starting to feel back to my normal after a weekend of Oktoberfest, brats and snickety snacks.Having yesterday and today off has made it an enjoyable and relaxed start to my September Whole30.

Today I think I did a good job of striving to achieve my complete plate goal. The last round I did, I tended to eat too much fruit and not enough veg.

Breakfast – RIGHT? Sausage patties (page 162 The Whole30), scrambled eggs made with ghee + green onions, homemade pico de gallo (with tomatoes my great aunt carol gave me!), cauli rice cooked in coconut oil + cilantro, half an avocado and half a peach with a la croix.
img_5348 Lunch – Shredded chicken breast over romaine with tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, carrots, purple onions and Whole30 ranch.
img_5357 Din – or the closet thing to a Cafe Rio salad I’ve had in a long time – pulled pork carnitas (page 254 The Whole30) over romaine with half an avocado, my leftover cauli rice and a crap ton of pico de gallo.
Today I went to barre, donated a bunch of stuff to D.I., hung out at my parents house, googled if iced green tea from starbucks was compliant, read 60 pages of a self-help book, watched Fundamentals of Caring on Netflix (I LOVED IT) and planned for a friend’s dinner happening tomorrow. img_5367

Sending lots of love to my greatest fan tonight.

how it all began.

My dear friend Jes gifted me It Starts With Food for Christmas last year. She had done a round of Whole30 with her family in November and had told me a about it — I expressed interest in learning more so she gifted me the book. She told me that she and her family were starting another round on January 5th and that they’d be a support to me if I wanted to try it.
I decided that I wanted to do it. I wanted the change. I read (most) of It Starts With Food and The Whole30, I researched online A LOT about the rules and dos and don’t and on January 4th I was meal prepping for the week. Eeee! I won’t get you wrong, it was hard and scary to start. I’m not a particularly good cook, not a morning person so I rarely prepared breakfast, and I felt I was basically a huge wimp who’d been so lazy for such a long time that how in the hell would I be able to pull this off.

In the book, they say things that are actually hard to do: fight cancer, etc. and I really let that resonate with me. I work for a charity that raises money for children’s hospitals. These kids would do anything to be strong and healthy and here I am with a healthy body that I wasn’t being good to. I made the intention when starting to change the bad habits I’d grown accustomed to. I desired so deeply to understand my relationship with food and how I had used it as a comfort, punishment and pleasure.

Anywho, moving right along — meal prep + learning how to cook went really well (hahahahah):
I had some setbacks, just from being new, I accidentally ate pasta sauce with soybean oil in..for dinner, lunch and dinner over the course of three days. When I realized it..I was COMPLETELY crushed. I knew I had to start over. I seriously wanted to run to Wendy’s and eat my feelings (SUCH a wimp!) and I had only been on day four (better than being on day 22, amirite??!?). Realizing how OVER I was of running to food for comfort, I started day 1.2 the next day. Delicious dinner with soybean oil in it pictured below:i-am-whole30-0521
As the weeks went on, I felt more and more amazing and proud of myself:i-am-whole30-0828
I became a breakfast maker and eater:i-am-whole30-0757 And ate fancy dinners (without soybean oil!):i-am-whole30-1015 Even lou loved all my cooking (yes, even the brussels sprouts):i-am-whole30-1142
By day 30, I was feeling amazing. I had lost weight, but more importantly, I had gained a pride in myself that I’ve only experienced once before when I got a B+ in Math 1050 😉
Fast forward to today and I’ve lost 37.6 pounds. Whaaaaaaaat! More exciting than that, I have found a food freedom that allows me to feel good and continue to improve. With that said, I’m participating in Whole30 in September because I feel like I need a reset.

My goals for this round, as I mentioned in my previous post, are to:
become a better cook.
drink enough water.
eat a complete plate.

Good luck to all of those starting your Whole30 journey. Reminders if you’re feeling like continuing to be a wimp ass:
if-not-now-square-grey be-good-to-yourself-square-pink


yes, you.



Today I:
Woke up
Ate two hard-boiled eggs
Went to barre bootcamp
Stopped in at Old Navy (i need an intervention)
And bath & body works ($6 shower gel, amirite?)
Came home and snuggled pup; didn’t share my lunch with her
Deleted 17 gigs worth of videos off of my iPhoto
Went to trader joe’s & smith’s
Made sausage patties
Put together the spiciest pico de gallo known to man
Ate dinner
Watched a half episode of Narcos, season teux
Wrote down some goals
Kicked ass during day 1 of my second round of whole30.

This round I’m aiming to:
become a better cook.
drink enough water.
eat a complete plate.

So here’s to it! I’m stoked to be participating in the #septemberwhole30. Hope I won’t bore you (here’s looking at you, mom) with my whole30 posts this month. I made a few little cutesy affirmations for my phone to keep me motivated (ha!)
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Also, the sausage patties I made are a gift from heaven.
septemberwhole30 day 1, sept 5, 2016 5295
Come over and try one (or three).

Also, join a ridiculous disaster of a whole30 Facebook group.