New York City: Day Four


Last night Cari and I stayed up super late watching Ghost on Netflix. SO GOOD. So we had a bit of a slow morning. Finally we got all packed up and ready and headed out to go and check me in to my new apartment. My room is on the 8th floor and the wall is full of windows! I definitely lucked out.
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After dropping off my stuff – we headed to Bed Bath & Beyond to get all of my house stuff. Cari & I riding the subway:
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Check out this cool cart escalator at Bed Bath & Beyond:
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A million dollars later we were in a cab back to my apartment. It’s coming together quite nicely! I am very excited. My roomie has yet to appear (crossing my fingers they never show up so I can have my own room!).
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Cari and I hung out in my room and watched Moonrise Kingdom before she had to head to the airport. I went with her because she had to make a train transfer and I didn’t want her to carry her bag up and down a bunch of stairs by herself – before I knew it her train was there to take her away. SO SAD! She’s my best friend, sissy, and my second mum. I instantly broke down – it’s hard to be alone here in this big city – but, I am excited to get out and about and start meeting new people.

Tonight though, I am feeling awfully homesick (honestly, punch me in the face right now, huh?) I am so excited to start my internship tomorrow.

Tune in tomorrow for the full recap!



bang, bang.

First off: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite 18-year-old sissy! Special note to you because I think you may or may not be the only person who actual reads this thing (other than me, of course): I love you! Thank you for everything you do and for being one of my greatest friends. I would simply be lost without you and your wisdom/hilarity. You’re the best mom, friend, and older sis. I hope you were spoiled rotten today and just you wait till I see you next (ahem, BIRTHDAY PREZZZZIE).

Me and Cari!

Anywhoooz, I slept in today and it felt GREAT. Later in the afternoon I thought I’d bug Meli and see if she could do my hair – and she could/did.. Thanks, boo! I’ve spent the rest of the evening working on a school project for next week:

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all for one veritcal

guns for all veritcalMore on that later – I am off to watch season 1 of Weeds.




Spring break day VIII

Today my sissy Jyl shot a video for her upcoming keynote at a genealogy conference. We made my grandma MAS’s famous (in our family, anyway) banana cookies. The video is going to be SO cool. The vibe was so awesome. One of my favorite parts was after we (and be we I mean Jyl and Cari) made the cookies, my sisters and I all huddled together in my grandparent’s living room and listened to a recording of my grandma’s voice. It was really cool/emotional to hear. Can’t wait to see the video.

Spring Break Day Seven 2013 21After the video, we went to Matta’s with my aunts (and new uncle!) and cousins. I sure love them!

Spring Break Day Seven 2013 32Cari and I got a little chatty during lunch and ended up getting to the airport less than an hour before our flight – needless to say we ran through the airport Home Alone style and also needless to say I have shin splints today. (PATHETIC)

Oh, by the way..we made our flight.



p.s. isn’t this the cutest owl of all time?

Spring Break Day Seven 2013 26



It’s the most wonderful tiiiime of the year.

It snowed today! Surprisingly, I wasn’t too mad about it. When I got to campus this morning, it was all covered in beautiful white slushy snow.
Of course I was wearing my moccs, which was a bad idea for two reasons: 1. Immediately upon exiting my VW, a snowball somehow finagled its way into my right shoe. (BRRR) 2. I almost (ALMOST) biffed it walking down the hill into the LNCO building. WHERE MY SORELS AT?

After school, I went to lunch with Cari – my gratitude and love for this sissy of mine is truly endless.