Here are ten things you probs didn’t know about me:

1. I hate grasshoppers. They make me SO nervous because you NEVER know what they are thinking, or going to do/kill.
2. If/when I eat yogurt, I prefer to eat it with a spoon that has been in the freezer all night long.
3. I don’t actually know how to read.
4. Just kidding.
5. I can do an amazing pigeon impersonation.
6. I would rather ride in the backseat of a Fiat on a 14 hour road trip than put on my duvet cover.
7. My name is actually Brooklyn.
8. Just kidding.
9. I respect a good, bone crushing handshake – it’s like, you are just screaming “NICE TO MEET YOU.”
10. Grape popsicles are the best treat – all year long.

i love you,


October love:

Me and My White Smelly Furball–(dead college grad, purple jelly-bean) Halloween ’05


1. Bringing out your sweaters and moccs.
2. Honestly, one word..Frightmares.
3. Gives you a good excuse to eat/buy candy all month long.
4. Realizing and defending the fact that taking pumpkin patch photos of your nieces and nephews is creative not CLICHE.
5. Finally getting into the groove and vibe of school and the new semester…or maybe not.

6. DVRing 13 days of Halloween on ABC family and watching it allll yearrr longggg.
7. Parking your car at a stop sign and getting in a leaf fight with friends.
8. Again desperately wanting to become the first Christian, Jew, Wiccan..ever.
9. Shopping for slutty costumes with your “horror”ish friends.

10. Realizing that it’s just warm enough to not hate winter, but cool enough to turn the AC off.
11. Quoting lines from Beetlejuice to your bestie while in line at Cafe Rio makes you look cultured rather than a hotmess.
12. Carving pumpkins and throwing its guts at people is especially funny.
13. It’s perfectly okay to dust off your black lights and make a Halloween techno cd and party with your roomie.
14. Purchasing another bottle of black glow-in-the-dark nail polish.
15. Looking forward to the McBride household haunted house.

16. Finally embracing your strange desire to start cooking from a cookbook while using a long-nailed pointer finger to read the instructions….line-by-line.
17.Taking advil in preparation to listening to Mariachi music full blast all the way up to Snowbird, and for the possible muscle strain the hand motions may cause.
18. Wearing black and orange striped toe socks..everywhere.
19. Baking Halloween Toll House cookies and not eating them cause they are SICK.
20. Seeing trees change their colors ‘n die ‘n stuff.
21. Watching the new Saw movie in theatre.
22. Strangely finding yourself held-up in a marathon of old episodes of Bewitched and singing “double double toil and trouble” while you heat up leftovies.
23. Throwing candy-corn at your homies eyeballs.
24. Falling asleep to Casper every night.

25. Going to corn mazes.
26. Tripping in a corn maze.
27. Having a gnarly bruise on your knee and a swollen ankle for 5 months after tripping in a corn maze.
28. Catching your annual batch of strep throat. (actually only happened once, last october.)
29. Eating reese’s peanut butter cups because they look festive.
30. Opening your window at night–(now to hear the wonderful sound of garbage trucks and cheap exhausts..then to hear spiders spin their webs)
31. Spending time with the people who mean the most and laughing everydamnday.

Happy October Everyone!!
