Here are ten things you probs didn’t know about me:

1. I hate grasshoppers. They make me SO nervous because you NEVER know what they are thinking, or going to do/kill.
2. If/when I eat yogurt, I prefer to eat it with a spoon that has been in the freezer all night long.
3. I don’t actually know how to read.
4. Just kidding.
5. I can do an amazing pigeon impersonation.
6. I would rather ride in the backseat of a Fiat on a 14 hour road trip than put on my duvet cover.
7. My name is actually Brooklyn.
8. Just kidding.
9. I respect a good, bone crushing handshake – it’s like, you are just screaming “NICE TO MEET YOU.”
10. Grape popsicles are the best treat – all year long.

i love you,


Jennifer Lopez at the Oscars – a rant:

UH. Why the hell was Jennifer Lopez and her HUGE bun sitting front and center at the Oscars?

3 reasons she should’ve been sitting in the nosebleeds:
-Maid in Manhattan

What a jackass.

Anyways, turn this on and you’ll be dancing like it’s a Friday night:
Listen to me.



Guess what.

I love sweet tarts, but only the red ones.

Every time I finish a book I close the back cover in a “hell yeah, I’m done” slapping kind of way.

I love Christmas music and I listen to it from the second Halloween is over till they stop playing The Christmas Story on repeat on TV.

I totally bawled in that episode of Grey’s Anantomy when the bus victim flashed the 007 sign and Dr. Grey figured out that it was George. WOAH.

NYC instant nail polish, ya know the kind that costs 1.29, is the best nail polish out there.

Although slightly ashamed to admit, I am excited to see the new Twilight movie.

Cranberry + lemon + ice is my favorite drink.

I want a nikon 1 for Christmas. Google it.

I love you.